Promoting British Values

Springwell School strives to provide the best possible education for all children, equipping them with life-long learning skills so that they are ready to face the ever changing world around them.
The DFE have recently reinforced the need to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of:

• Democracy
• The rule of law
• Individual liberty
• Mutual respect
• Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

The Government sets out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been revisited this year (2022 – 23)

At Springwell School, British values underpin the school ethos and are reinforced regularly, through our school website, our learning experiences through the national curriculum, class and whole school assemblies and celebrating important British festivals.

Areas of focus include:


All staff opinions are valued and adults are encouraged to share their ideas to sustain good to outstanding practice and to provide a forward looking workforce.
Through our commitment the RRS, all children are aware of their right to be listened to and to have their views heard. Pupils have opportunities to share their views through school council, pupil questionnaires, PSHCE activities and class discussions. Pupils are encouraged to share their views, both strengths and areas of development about the school. These views are then considered by the staff and governors.
School council are elected through democratic voting and meet every half term. They discuss any issued raised in class or highlighted through pupil voice questionnaires. The pupils in each class vote for their representatives. School council minutes are shared and points discussed with staff and governors. Pupil’s views are taken into account when new initiatives are being considered.

The Rule of Law

Positive behavior strategies provide clear boundaries and the development of self-discipline. At Springwell School, we strive for all pupils to be:
• An enquiring learner who participates
• Ambitious and aspirational
• Internationally minded
• Socially responsible and respectful to all
• A good communicator
• Confident in their own ability
• Adaptable and open minded
• Resilient
• And ambassador for RRS

The importance of laws in school, at home and in the wider community are consistently reinforced during the school day, in behavior management and through school assemblies and visits. We expect our pupils to behave inside and outside of school in an exemplary manner. Pupils discuss the reasons behind these rules and the responsibility that they have to abide by the rules by making the right choices.

All children at Springwell School are educated about the RRS and understand their rights and responsibilities. All pupils understand there are consequences for breaking rules and they know the school sanctions. Planned visits within the curriculum from authorities such as the police, fire services and local councilors reinforce this message and explain the importance of adhering to and the consequences of breaking laws which govern our land.

Individual Liberty

Pupils are encouraged to make choices from the nursery onwards secure in the knowledge that they are safe. We provide strong boundaries within a safe and secure environment. Pupils are encouraged to voice their opinions and are guided to making safe choices through PSHCE and E-safety lessons. All pupils are taught e-safety rules to keep them safe on the internet.
Pupils are given opportunities to make choices in the classroom and to decide whether they wish to participate in extra-curricular activities and clubs. All school activities and classrooms are inclusive and encourage pupils to be self-disciplined.

Mutual Respect

Our school values are taught to the pupils through assemblies and PSHCE lessons; staff model the values to pupils and lead by example. The school values are:

• Integrity
• Ambition
• Kindness
• Equality
• Acceptance

We aim to nurture our pupils through the values to become

• An enquiring learner who participates
• An ambitious and aspirational learner
• An internationally minded citizen
• To be social responsible and respectful to all
• A good communicator
• To be confident in their own ability
• To be adaptable and open minded
• To be resilient
• To be an ambassador for RRS

Reflective time in lessons and assemblies provide opportunities for all to consider their contribution to their own and collective wellbeing of the school. Pupils learn that their behavior has an effect on others so all members of the school community are expected to treat each other with respect.

Our staff are from different cultures and faiths and model respect for all. Our values are reinforced through displays, newsletters, our website, collective worship and in all curriculum activities.

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

We are a multicultural school and pupils interact with a variety of cultures and backgrounds which enhance their understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society. We provide opportunities for the pupils to follow traditional activities and support local and global charities. Collective worship, PSHCE and RE lessons regularly promote discussion of these issues. Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge and pupils visit places of worship as part of the curriculum.

All pupils know who they can talk to if they have any concerns. The school has very few bullying or racial incidents; pupils feel secure and happy. This is supported by pupil and parent questionnaires.

Our staff will actively challenge any pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values. We are vigilant to any obsessive attitudes or behavior which might give cause for concern and will notify appropriate authorities for advice.

Reviewed Sept 2022

To be reviewed Sept 2024