SEND - Local Offer
At Springwell School we believe that all children are valued equally and are entitled to
high quality education, with access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that is
differentiated to meet individual learning needs.
We provide a curriculum that recognises personal strengths and needs and prepares
children to be global citizens and independent learners.
The local offer provides parents and carers with information about how Springwell School
can support your child. We offer the following to support children with special
educational needs and disabilities.
How does the school know if children need extra help?
• When any member of staff has concerns about a pupil, they raise them with the
Leadership Team or Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDco) who offer support.
• We track the progress of our pupils closely and regularly so we can quickly
identify pupils who may benefit from extra support.
• Ask parents or carers.
• Pupils themselves can also ask for extra support and help.
I think my child may have special needs. What should I do?
• Parents should bring concerns or information about their child to the class
• If you think your child may have special educational needs, please see the class
teacher initially.
• You can also contact the SENDco or head teacher via the school office.
How will school staff support a child?
• Senior staff and governors monitor the quality of the support given to pupils with
special educational needs.
• Class teachers are responsible for the children’s learning and will be able to
explain what is happening for your child.
• Extra support, which is additional to and different from the usual classroom
experience, is planned by the class teacher with the SENDco and/or Specialist
teachers. This additional support may be provided by teaching or associate
How will the curriculum be matched to a child’s needs?
• A broad, balanced and creative curriculum offers learning matched to pupils’
• Learning opportunities are designed so that all pupils in the class can take part.
• In some lessons, pupils are grouped with others that are working on similar
• Additional adult support may be used in a variety of ways: small groups, one to
one support in or out of class, to support the class teacher to plan for or work
with a pupil or pupils with special needs.
• Staff are trained in relevant areas to meet specific needs.
How will I know how my child is doing?
• Parents meetings are held in the autumn, spring and summer terms. A written
report is sent home in the summer term.
• Children with EHC plans over five have an annual review meeting and those
under five have a meeting every six months.
• Some children with special educational needs will be supported by an Individual
Education Plan (IEP). This plan is shared with parents and the pupil if appropriate.
How will the school support parents to help their child’s learning?
• Parents receive regular information on how to support their children at home.
• External agencies are involved as appropriate to provide suggestions and
• A home-school agreement outlines expectations from parents and pupils.
When will parents be able to discuss a child’s progress?
• Parents and carers are welcome to make an appointment at any time to see the
class teacher or other relevant members of staff. They can also use the
parent/teacher meetings in October and February.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
• External agencies, including health and social care, consult with SENDco, class
teacher and parents.
• All staff have responsibility for the welfare of the pupils. Relevant staff are trained
to support the medical needs of pupils including those with allergies.
• Medical care plans are used where appropriate, for example when a child
needs to be given medicine in school.
• Safeguarding and child protection procedures are in place. The named person
is Mrs Grewal (Headteacher).
What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?
Sometimes we need to consult an outside agency for their more specialist expertise. The
agencies consulted by the school include:
• The SEN Specialist Support Team (advisers for visual and hearing impairment and
physical needs)
• The Educational Psychology Service
• CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
• Social Services
• Heart of Hounslow Health Centre (School Nurse, Speech and Language
We obtain parental permission before referring a pupil to an outside agency for support
with their learning. If we are unable to use Hounslow resources we commission specialists
What training will the staff supporting children and young people with SEND have?
• Individual staff members have also undertaken additional specialist training in
specific areas of special needs. All staff have participated in inset sessions about
special needs.
• SENDco post holders are required to complete the National SENDco Award
within 3 years of being in post. This is an ongoing certification.
How will children be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
• Outside learning activities and trips are accessible for all pupils. Additional adults
are arranged to support a pupil with special needs or a disability.
How accessible is the school environment?
• There is disabled parking.
• The school has wheelchair accessible doorways.
• There are disabled toilets on site.
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s needs?
• The leadership team and Governors monitor finances carefully.
• We use our resources to support the aims of our school as well as individual
learner needs.
• Where a pupil needs substantial support, we apply to the local authority for
additional funding to meet their needs, with parent/carer consent.
• We monitor funding through provision mapping.
How is the decision made about the type and how much support a child will receive?
• Each pupil’s need is examined on an individual basis.
• Initial support is through specific strategies carried out by the class teachers
• Intervention groups are provided for children with targeted needs.
• For pupils with an EHC plan, the type of support needed will be detailed on their
plan. This is discussed at an annual review meeting with parents and
• For a very few pupils, we may request that an assessment for an EHCP be made
by the local authority. Please ask if you would like more information about this
How are parents involved in the school, and how can they become involved?
• We welcome and value parent volunteers in our school. Parents contribute to
the life of the school through regular classroom help and adult support for one
off trips and activities.
• We also value fundraising activities, to which parents contribute, through our
parent and teacher committee; SPA. Parents are encouraged to take part the
parent forum meetings; the school representative scheme.
• Parents/carers can become a part of the school Governing Body. The school will
notify parents/carers when a position is open.
How does the school listen to pupils views?
• We have an active school council where pupils can share their views and ideas.
• Pupils’ views are taken into account when we plan our work. Teachers gain
children’s known knowledge before beginning a new topic. They also ask which
aspects of the topic children would like to learn more about.
How do Governors make sure SEND pupil’s needs are met?
• We have an appointed SEND Governor, Charine O’Shea, who meets with the
SENDco to discuss the provision of support for pupils with special needs and the
outcomes of the provision.
• The Leadership team present information about pupil progress to Governors on a
regular basis, including that of pupils with special needs.
• Governors visit the school regularly.
Who can parents contact for further information, or raise concerns?
• If you would like more information or have concerns please see the class
teacher in the first instance, SENDco, Deputy SENDco, Deputy Head teacher, or
the Head teacher via the school office.
• Hounslow Helping Handz, the parent partnership service, is a free, independent
and confidential service that supports parents of children with special needs.
You can contact them via Hounslow House.
Reviewed September 2022